Etiquette in 40 Up on a Cloud Group

Please Remember, our only rule is the "Golden Rule".

The rest suggested here should come naturally to those that wish to be a part of our friendly group.

Generally, English is spoken in the group, prolonged chat in languages other than what is generally understood by others can be offensive to others.

Keep in mind that we are a "G" rated group, and frown on Private Messaging of group friends with offensive text, voice, or video.

We do not encourage the playing of music in the group, Requests made in the group may be considered by the administrators in the room at the time for song(s) sung by persons in the group at the time, provided content is G rated, and at the Admins discretion. It is suggested that any such request be voted on by the total of the group with a show of hands, but not required. Our goal is to maintain an atmosphere that all can enjoy and feel the quality of music is substantially lost when sent over the group.

Being an adult group, we should all have consideration for others at all times, arguing, disagreements, and like issues need to be in a private forum, and not displayed in the group. We are all here to meet like minded persons and would not want our individual disagreements to be taken wrong by newcomers, or persons listening in the group.

We are an Open Mic group, and encourage one and all to use and share the Mic. Be considerate of others in the group and share. Excessive time on the Mic results in newcomers leaving the group without hearing from more than one person, thus not providing an opportunity for others or themselves to be heard. Those talking on the Mic at any given time are encouraged to greet newcomers to the group, and afford them the opportunity to access the Mic.

For technical and safety reasons we do not allow persons unknown to the group to stay in the group idle, not talking or active in text chat. Some possibility exists that such persons may be attempting to hack or do other harm to friends. We do remove such persons when they do not respond to requests to participate.

So join in the group, Have fun, and meet new friends

Email Address; [email protected]